JA Nuevo

Sometimes you simply need a larger conference room. Imagine if you could stretch it to a longer or wider size. With our Apps you extend it to any size you wish. Isn't that what you expect from technology?

Who said technology should be complicated? Our systems are truly plug n' play. No complicated installations, no maintenance, to crashes.

You want to stand up, go to the board and write your idea for the others to see. But you are lazy, and you know you will write it and right after the meeting they will throw the paper away. But you can type it on your device, it will be "posted" on the wall and it will "stay" there the wall.

You are in the middle of a discussion and you know this has been discussed last week, or last month, or 2 years ago. You remember posting those ideas on the wall. What if that wall was still there? Just put down the wall and find the ones behind!